Follow some simple steps for the beauty of your nails:
Step 1: Remove old Nail Polish with Oriflame Nail Polish Remover and get off Old Nail Polish.
Nail Polish Remover
Step 2: Use Oriflame Nail Whitener for more white nails and to remove any left over stains. Apply Nail Whitener for 3 Min. and then peel off.
Step 3: Apply Oriflame Nail Food to enhance the growth of your nails and to give a shine to your nails
Nail Food
Step 4: Choose a shade of your choice from Oriflame Pure Color Nail polish range and apply it on your nails.
Step 5: After 1 min. apply Crystal Top Coat for shine and glossy look of your nails.
Step 1: Remove old Nail Polish with Oriflame Nail Polish Remover and get off Old Nail Polish.
Nail Polish Remover
Step 2: Use Oriflame Nail Whitener for more white nails and to remove any left over stains. Apply Nail Whitener for 3 Min. and then peel off.
Step 3: Apply Oriflame Nail Food to enhance the growth of your nails and to give a shine to your nails
Nail Food
Step 4: Choose a shade of your choice from Oriflame Pure Color Nail polish range and apply it on your nails.
Step 5: After 1 min. apply Crystal Top Coat for shine and glossy look of your nails.